Ever feel like you needed an oil change? So you say you do that daily with your bad diet? As I write this Pastor's Paragraph, I'm patiently waiting for my little beep-beep car to get a fresh taste of oil. You know the stuff, the substance nations fight over, the stuff we can't afford but cannot be without. Every piston and every crankshaft can't help but say ahhhh when they get a new drink of fresh oil. Fresh oil is the lifeblood of a combustion engine. Don't believe me? Try running your car a few days without it and then tell me how important it is to your car's life. Fresh oil is important to the Christian's life as well. While oil was often used for specific purposes of anointing throughout scripture and while it istill can be used today as well, the oil that I'm referring to is the Holy Spirit. While all we that are born again possess the Holy Spirit in our lives, if we choose not to exercise the power within, it can become ineffective in our lives. Just like the engine of a car can build up sludge and need a change to clean, fresh, new woil, our lives need a fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit as well. The Apostle Paul says in Ephesians 5:18-21, "And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting toone another in the fear of God." Paul basically is saying if your spiritual motor isn't up to snuff, change the oil! Forget the things this ife gets you drunk on and change to all of the things He mentions for a cleaner, better running life! As I've gotten older and the cars have become more advanced, I pretty much (with the exception of my truck) let the professionals change the oil in my vehicles. Allowing Fresh oil in your life however, is different. It is still a change only you can make. Just be sure you use the right brand, generic won't do. There's an oil that is still sold today called 3 in 1. It might not work too well in your car's engine but I think 3 in 1 would be a really good fit to serve you well in your soul!
Always ready for fresh oil,
Pastor Danny