Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pastor's Paragraph

FEBRUARY 14, 2010
"Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love." Revelation 2:4 (NKJV)

Jesus spoke the words above to the church at Ephesus. The church was doing a lot of good things. Jesus commended them for their hard work, their perseverance in their faith, their testing of those who claimed authority from God, their enduring of hardships for His name, and for not getting tired and just giving up. But, the church had lost its first love - its first love for Him. Today, as we celebreate the time confectioners, florists and card makers alike salivate over, it would behoove us to take an examination of our own lives to see what currently holds the position of love #1. I know it changes through the years. It may start with a Teddy Bear, advance to the little freckled face girl with pigtails and eventually wind up with the beloved Mrs. Yet, somewhere along that path, for those that answer to the truth found in Jesus Christ, there should become a new focal point garnering yours/my first love attentions. Let's face it, there is always going to be something taking priority in your life as first love. It may be your ambitions, it may be a hobby, it may be ice cream, but something has to sit at the top of the list. Wouldn't it be great if we all at the same time made Jesus Christ the pinnacle in our lives? How do you think that would play out for the cause of Christ here at CrossView? Do you remember what it was like when you first fell in love with Jesus? Was it like the love you had for your spouse, when your thoughts were constantly directed toward that person and you wanted to be with them continually? Do you awake each morning looking forward to the time you get to spend with Him? Or, are you simply going throught the motions? Are you passionate in your desire to please Him? Is your service for Him an extension of your love or is it merely a duty you feel needs to be done? Do you talk about Him with others? Does just the thought of Him bring a smile to your face and put a joy in your heart? We need to take inventory of our lives and see if that first love we had for Christ is still active in our lives today. If it isn't, let this Valentine's day of 2010 be one that you send more than a card or a box of chocolates, let it be a time you send the message back to Jesus Christ that He truly is your first love!

Happy Valentines Day
-Pastor Danny